he is tall.

Despite the name, he is tall. is actually not that tall, but when he, with his guitar alongside him, occupies the stages around Denmark, he grows. It is in fact on stage, the likeable lad Troels Thorkild Sørensen from Mårslet, near Aarhus, shines with confidence as the musician he is tall. he is tall. has made an impressive first impression on the Danish underground music scene and is being likened to the American musician Jeff Buckley. He has been the support act for artists like Tyler Childers, The Divine Comedy & Leoniden. Despite his humble musical set-up, he is tall. is gathering inspiration from country and hip hop, and it merges into his very own and honest sound. Sebastian Saxton, host for the Danish national radio channel P6 Beat, about he is tall.: “I think your style is really original and it’s difficult for me to see how others should imitate you - which is a rare praise to give - so thank you so much for your music! I really appreciate it! - I really think your vocal is strong.” Record deal and new music in 2022: In 2019 he is tall. released the songs “little brother.” and “dad”. They got awareness in and outside Denmark. They got airplay in American and Dutch radio and a feature on the American Spotify-playlist “Discover: Indie Rising”. Due to the release of “dad.” he is tall. came in the artist spotlight on the American blog Indie Rock Café. he is tall. got signed by the Danish indie label Møs Møs shortly after the release of “dad.”..Since then he has worked on loads of new music and he releases new singles and a debut-EP in 2022.

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